- 01993 844362
- fatherstouchuk@gmail.com
Pastor Blesson vargis
about me
“I believe in the proclamation of the whole Gospel to the lost and hurting humanity and the visible demonstration of the power of Jesus through healing, restoration, redemption and wonders. The thousands getting saved and the confirmation of his word being preached as people are healed, families restored, addiction cycles ending, have been encouraging to the call of Jesus over my life.The messages that God enables us to preach are strongly prophetic in nature. There is a growing prophetic and word of knowledge gifting that God has anointed over our church and my style of preaching. Remaining humble, I have submitted my life to serve Christ and honour the calling that He has placed on my life.”
my testimony
Years ago, a Pastor asked Blesson to accompany him on a long trip to a convention where he was invited to preach and give a sermon. The trip was 2000 kilometres away and Blesson agreed to help the Pastor with the long drive.
They reached their destination and as Blesson was getting ready to leave the Pastor asked Blesson to oblige him in accompanying him to the convention. It was only once they reached the convention did the Pastor ask Blesson to preach. This took Blesson by surprise because his life was consumed by business and preaching was not what he had in mind but somehow this Pastor knew that God knew, that it was in his heart.
Blesson asked the Pastor for a few minutes to pray. He got into the van and knelt down on the ground and right there and then surrendered his life to God’s will. He made a commitment to the Lord, to honour God in all his ways and turned his back on the things of the world including his desire to dominate in the business world and make money. In that moment Blesson became a new man. He felt it deep in his spirit, that an anointing was called over his life and as he stood up the Spirit of God led him to preach to that convention. The title he chose was; ‘Never Give Up’. Blesson went on to quit his job and within no time he was on the mission field sharing about God’s faithfulness in giving all of humanity hope.